Monday, February 29, 2016

Our Words Matter

       Many people throw around the words "I'll pray for you" with little sincerity, others say it and mean it in the moment, but forget as the day goes on, and a few say it and do it in that moment, and fewer still don't say it, but immediately pray. For a long time I was one of the ones who said it, and later forgot. This changed for me over time though as I realized this pattern of behavior and took steps to change it in myself and I became one of the ones to say it and immediately pray, sometimes typing it in the response to the person who asked and other times just bowing my head and praying as my heart was led.
       I started to think about this today and a couple verses came to mind that has me thinking, where else in my life do I need to be accountable to my words? The verses I'm referring to are found in Matthew 12; verses 36 & 37, they read: 36 "But I tell you that every careless word that people speak, they shall give an accounting for it in the day of judgment. 37 "For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned." Maybe I'm miss interpreting this verse, maybe I'm taking it to far, both are possible after all I'm only human, but when I read the word 'careless' and then verse 37 my heart was convicted to change. Suddenly I saw how many times I said I would do something with the best of intentions, and didn't. I saw how often my words fell flat, and how over time people begin to see you as unreliable when that is the case.
       I never thought about this in this way before, I never thought anything was wrong with what I was doing because in my heart I meant what I said when I said it, I just forgot when I got busy with other things. I have always cut myself a lot of slack in this area because again when I said the words they were true, and I always just expected others to cut me the same slack and would even get offended when they didn't, but this is changing. Before I even saw this verse, God had been working on my heart about this, when it came to prayer reminding me how important these prayers could be to those people who asked, and now with these verses He is spreading that accountability to all my words. I am learning to be careful in my speech, and to follow through as well, which I'll be honest isn't always easy, I still have a ways to in this area but I am making the effort.
       The cool thing is, that as I hold myself accountable for my words, picking them carefully and doing everything I can to follow thru, my joy is increasing. I am no longer feeling bad about forgetting things or getting caught up elsewhere, and I'm not getting defensive when people are upset that I didn't follow thru. They might be mad in the moment when I say 'no' or 'I'm not sure I have time for that' but it is an anger that quickly passes and is forgiven swiftly because I was honest about the circumstances. And it allows our relationship to have more trust and faith between us because they know when I say yes I mean it and if I'm saying no there's good reason. Now I want to ask you, is there anywhere where can you be more accountable? What things have you been letting slide?  Be blessed brothers and sisters.

Proverbs 11:3    
The integrity of the upright guides them, but the crookedness of the treacherous destroys them

Proverbs 18:21
The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit

Matthew 12:36-37
36 "But I tell you that every careless word that people speak, they shall give an accounting for it in the day of judgment. 37 "For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned."

2 Corinthians 8:21   
For we aim at what is honorable not only in the Lord's sight but also in the sight of man.           

Friday, February 26, 2016

Words of Comfort --- St Matthew and St. Luke

    Hi brothers and sisters, I did another video today and I thought I'd share it. I hope for those seeking comfort, that they can find it in the words I shared. Be blessed 

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Each Journey is Unique

        Each of our journeys with the Lord are unique to who He made us to be and what purpose we were called for. My journey is not going to look like your journey, we may have similar points to our journeys, and may have learned some of the same lessons, but they will still be unique to us and our relationship with the Lord. Just like how a parent has a unique relationship with each of their children. The children may have similar experiences and lessons but each child learns and responds differently, giving them a slightly different experience and a slightly different perspective from the other. Their personal experience with their parents cannot be replicated in another child, because that child is unique in how they learn, process, and react. One child may learn well from verbal cues, whereas their sibling may need to learn from consequences for the lesson to stick and to get understanding of why rules are in place. With one child a parent may allow a certain thing, but with the sibling they may not, this is again because of the differences in the children, one may be able to handle that particular responsibility or privilege wisely while their sibling cannot.
        This thought came to me after I saw a couple of people arguing over differing church doctrines. In one church they taught and practiced that all women must be make up free and wear long dresses or skirts, where in the other church they believed that it was ok for women to wear pants or jeans and allowed them to wear make up. Neither side would back down and both were determined to be found right. And really, I think they both were right.    
         Another example of this same sort of thing is Saturday Sabbath versus Sunday Sabbath. Most Catholic and Protestant churches and some home churches hold service on Sundays. But some like the Seventh day Adventist, some other smaller groups, and even many home churches hold to Saturday services. Both sides have their arguments and reasons why they think their way is right or at very least permissible, and both are often up to argue about it. Personally, I used to attend Sunday service but in the past few years I have been led to Saturday service, and from that transition I discovered that both is okay, that both can build your relationship to God, but that pride and a desire to elevate your own holy status or defend it can be the real hindrance.
        Maybe I'm wrong, and I really could be so please pray about it and ask God to guide your own thoughts and opinions on this, but when I see these kinds of disputes I think about what I mentioned earlier, I think about the differences in relationships between children and the same parents. For me,  I saw that one group of children could be allowed make up and pants, because they could handle that privilege and responsibility. For them it didn't feed into vanity and didn't become a hinderance to their relationship with God, while in the other group, those people may have been led there because for them it could. For one group of worshippers I see children who hold to God's original established Sabbath while the others take their freedom from the law to set apart another day to honor God and gather with other believers.
      We need to understand one another, especially in the body of Christ. We need to accept the differences in how and when we worship, and we need to forgive those who walk differently with Jesus than we do. We are each different, we have each been called for different seasons, different purposes and different places, but God loves each of us. Should we call out falsehoods being taught in the church, of course!! Should we correct a brother or sister who errs, yes. But we don't need to war with one another, we don't need to cut each other down to elevate our own holiness, this is a trap meant to destroy the church,. and frankly it's one that I see winning. If we are one body, let us start acting like it, let us let go of or desire to be right and holy and look to the one who is holy. Let us stop our bickering and love each other where they are, where we are and set our differences aside for the unity of brotherly love.  Be blessed brothers and sisters, in Yeshua's name.

Luke 11:17
But he, knowing their thoughts, said to them, “Every kingdom divided against itself is laid waste, and a divided household falls.

1 Corinthians 12:21-26
21 The eye cannot say to the hand, “I have no need of you,” nor again the head to the feet, “I have no need of you.” 22 On the contrary, the parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable, 23 and on those parts of the body that we think less honorable we bestow the greater honor, and our unpresentable parts are treated with greater modesty, 24 which our more presentable parts do not require. But God has so composed the body, giving greater honor to the part that lacked it, 25 that there may be no division in the body, but that the members may have the same care for one another. 26 If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together.

Ephesians 4:3-6   
Eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit—just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call— one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.

Titus 3:9-11   
But avoid foolish controversies, genealogies, dissensions, and quarrels about the law, for they are unprofitable and worthless. As for a person who stirs up division, after warning him once and then twice, have nothing more to do with him, knowing that such a person is warped and sinful; he is self-condemned

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Novel Excerpt --- The Healing Of Eric Richardson

    Please Note this is a small excerpt from the 10th Chapter of the novel I have been working on, I wanted to share this just so you guys can see what I have been up to lately. The title is tentative, but I think I like it much better than the two previous working titles I had (The Job, or A work in Progress). I hope you enjoy this. God bless you! If you are interested in reading earlier excerpts from this novel I'll place the links at the bottom of this page. Thank you!

“Eric, can I come in?” Braden’s voice questioned from the other side of his office in conjunction with a gentle knock, startling Eric and waking him from his dream.
Eric groaned and lightly tapped his head repeatedly off the desk before looking up to the ceiling and questioning God in a soft voice that he hoped Braden wouldn’t pick up on. “Five more minutes, that’s all I wanted. Just five minutes God! Why couldn’t you do that for me? I’m a good guy, can’t you help me just a little?” he pleaded through frustration.
“Eric, I know you’re in there, and I’m coming in.” Braden said as he twisted the knob and pushed the door open without a response from his friend. “I really want to talk to you about yesterday.”
“Can it wait until later?” Eric responded without lifting his head from his desk as the older man ignored his request and entered the room.
“I think the sooner we address the situation the better.” Braden answered as he crossed the room to take the seat opposite Eric’s. Braden had kept silent the previous night after calling Bianca knowing that Eric was in no condition to be reasoned with, but now Eric was sober and with the Victoria occupying the boys, this was Braden’s best chance to find out what had triggered Eric’s regression.
“Where are the boys?” Eric asked lifting his head from the desk and straightening himself out in the chair to look his friend in the eyes. He was sure Braden was here to lecture him just as his mother had, and though he didn’t want to hear it all again, Eric decided to tolerate the older man knowing if he didn’t listen now he’d have to listen later.
“They’re fine, Vicki came downstairs while you were arguing with Bianca and took them for a walk.”
“She has today off, why did you let her do that. She should be relaxing, she had an emotional day yesterday.” Eric responded annoyed that Braden was in his office when he wanted to be alone and that he now would have to apologize again to Victoria because she was working on her day off, something she did too often as it were.
“She insisted Eric, it was her idea. She thought it would be good if we spoke about things and that the boys shouldn’t be around the yelling.”
“Who says I will yell?”
“I was referring to the yelling you did at your mom.” Braden responded, ignoring the sarcasm in his friend’s voice. He had expected this non-compliant attitude from Eric and wasn’t at all surprised by it, Eric typically responded to mistakes with pride rather than admitting his was wrong.
Eric rolled his eyes at the older man, couldn’t he be left alone for five minutes? Why did everybody feel the need to dump on him today? He knew he screwed up, but he wanted to forget it and move on now, not spend the rest of the day talking about with everybody in his life.
“How long did you tell her you were drinking again?” Braden asked knowing the truth of Eric’s drinking, despite Eric’s efforts to hide it from him and everyone else.
“Braden, I’m going to say this only once. It was a one time slip up, get off my back.” Eric’s voice was low and dangerous sounding, leaving no room for his friend to mistake it, this was the end of the conversation as far as he was concerned. Eric was well past the point where he could tolerate one more word of condemnation from someone who had never been in his position and didn’t know the whole story. “So unless you want to apologize for tattling on me to my mother like I was a child, I have nothing else to say.”
“I won’t apologize for doing what I thought was right.” Braden said squaring his shoulders and holding firm. He knew in his heart he did what he believed to be right to help a friend who was in a bad way. Eric was like family to him, and it broke him inside to think he would go back down that dark path.
“Then you better leave.” Eric said leaning back in his chair and staring across the desk at Braden daring him with his eyes to continue so that he could unload all of his frustration on his friend. But Braden knew Eric and his temperament better than that, he could tell that Eric was ready to blow and chose his next words carefully.
“I’ll leave Eric, but you know where to find when you’re ready. In the meantime maybe you should read this.” Braden said as he stood to his feet and took a small folded pamphlet from his pocket, then headed towards the door.
“If I’m ever in the mood for a lecture, don’t worry, I’ll come find you.” Eric answered ignoring the booklet on his desk and standing to his feet as well, following Braden to the door to shut and lock it after the older man stepped out into the hall. Finally, he was alone, and it was quiet again, but he doubted whether he could fall asleep in his chair a second, or that he should be indulging in the dreams that he was having.
Returning to his desk Eric picked up the pamphlet and examined it, curious to see what Braden had thought would be so helpful about it. It was only 3 pages long and read ‘Can God Fix My Mess?’ in bold green lettering against a light blue background with a shadowed image of a man knelt down with his head bowed, and a hand reaching out to him from clouds above. Inside were questions, questions Eric had asked before, things like ‘why didn’t God answer my prayer?’ or ‘if there’s a God why do good people suffer’ and ‘does God love me, even though I messed up?’ and finally there were answers to these questions, he asked himself hundreds of times as well  scriptures. Some of the verses Eric remembered from Evelynn repeating them or hearing them at church when he had actually decided to go, but other verses were new and unfamiliar and Eric found himself actually interested.

First Chapter :
Eighth Chapter :

Monday, February 15, 2016

God is Faithful

       Many of you know that for a long time I have dreamed of being a mother. I am a nanny by profession, but that's just not the same as having a precious child of your own, no matter how much you love the children you care for and they love you. This has been a dream that has caused me heartache on more than one occasion over the last few years, especially when I have to hear someone in my family ask, "when is it your turn." It took me a long time to get past this, and if I'm honest I don't think I ever fully got past it, I just learned to deal with the pain differently. There have been many times when I have broken down in tears asking God the same question that so hurt when my family would ask it, "God when is it my turn."
        About a year ago, God did answer that for me, but not the way I wanted. I didn't get pregnant or news that said I couldn't, instead a got a dream that was a timeline of events to come, the dream ended with a baby stroller.  I wasn't at first certain what this dream meant, I didn't right away connect it with my tearful prayers of  'when is it my turn', but when I shared it with a friend and we both prayed for answers and it became clear. I know at this point some people are rolling their eyes and saying to themselves 'it was just a dream get over it,' and I would like remind you that dreams are how God has spoken to many individuals throughout time, such as Daniel and Joseph just to name a couple. Dreams are often God's answers and how He helps us to overcome past hurts, you just have to be paying attention and seeking Him for the interpretation.
       In the dream I was given I saw many things that would take place in the year that followed. I saw us (my husband and I) struggling against Satan together as he tried to break thru the front door of our old house. I saw the enemy fail and the tools and devices he had brought to use against us vanish as light encircled our home. I saw a moving truck drive in front of our home and finally a green stroller at the bottom of our stairs. After prayer and asking a friend to pray also so I could check what I received against her, we were agreed, God was showing that I would be in an intense battle with the devil and win, when victory happened the devil's tricks would fade no longer a threat, then the light would surround us and we would be blessed with a new home, and a baby. This dream was later confirmed by several other dreams that all followed this same timeline of events. I was excited and happy, but honestly there were moments when I doubted and wondered, especially when I was battling.
        Today though, I want to give testimony because God is faithful and you can stand on His word, you can trust the dreams and visions He gives you. I say this because it's true and I can declare that not one of His promises in this dream and the others I had has failed! Today I can happily say to you that after battling darkness in the situations I have dealt with beginning back in November of 2014, (see post for more details ) that we reached the light portion of the dream and are walking in the blessings of having a new home, and expecting a new baby! God has shown me with certainty that He is truth, that He can be trusted, that He is in control. I hope this post encourages you, I hope it has built your faith in the Lord. Seek Him and trust, pray to God in all matters and be faithful to Him, God never fails. Be blessed brothers and sisters, and seek the Lord first, all else will be added to you.

Deuteronomy 7:9   
Know therefore that the Lord your God is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love him and keep his commandments, to a thousand generations,

Psalm 33:4   
For the word of the Lord is upright, and all his work is done in faithfulness

Hebrews 10:23   
Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful

2 Thessalonians 3:3   
But the Lord is faithful. He will establish you and guard you against the evil one.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Don't Get Stuck on an Old Season

       I had probably 5 or 6 post on here that I was saving and working on as time allowed, but I kept feeling wrong about them in my heart, I couldn't post them and just kept rewriting them. It wasn't that what I was writing was wrong, it was lessons I learned in the last season, but I just couldn't get happy or satisfied with them. And the more I tried to force it the more it was becoming an act of labor instead of an out pouring of my heart and the love God has shown me in my circumstances, sending me further and further from what I knew it should be.
       This morning as I started my day and prayed before sitting down with my coffee to read the bible, I suddenly heard the words 'let them go.' The words startled me and I didn't at first know what it was about, but I wasn't left in the dark long. As the shock of the words wore off the meaning of them settled in coupled with sensations of peace and freedom from the burden. I knew then that this was the Lord, and I suddenly understood why I couldn't get satisfied with these post.
        When we cling to a former season instead of moving into the new we often miss what God is doing in this season. That is what I was doing. It's not that these lessons were really a burden, or even that I won't need theses things I was taught in this season, but it was that I focused so much on trying to articulate them that I was missing what God is doing now. I was  holding so tightly to these past situations that I wasn't listening for His guidance in this season, and that is where I went wrong. When and if the time is right I will be able to share those lessons with you, I don't need to strive or force it, God will provide when the time is right. Be blessed brothers and sisters in the name of Jesus.

Psalm 31:15                
My times are in Your hand; Deliver me from the hand of my enemies and from those who persecute me.

Daniel 2:21