Thursday, September 24, 2015

Where There is Peace

       This week my husband and I had to make a huge decision, and it was difficult. We were between a rock and hard place; neither option really being exactly what we wanted, but we had to decide and fast because there wasn't much time. We asked for prayer, prayed continually ourselves, talked our options over with friends, read the Word and still we didn't know what to do. We knew what others thought and felt we should do, but we didn't have clear word from the Lord to make our final decision. It felt like we were being overwhelmed with stress, that chaos and doubts were plaguing our minds and hearts. Over and over we examined our options, talked them out and got no where.
       Then late last night I realized something that helped us to simplify things and decide what to do. As I sat beside my husband on the floor listening to him wrestle with this decision again the thought occurred to me that any decision I have had to make in agreement with God's will came with peace. Not that it was the easy decision or that there isn't stress and fear attached to it, but that in my heart I am at peace with the decision, I have rest in my soul over it. When I am walking in the Father's will in my soul there will be calm over the decision, and a conviction that I am doing right. I realized where there is peace, there is God because Yeshua is the Prince of Peace, and peace comes from God.
       When I shared this revelation with my husband we started to go over the situation again, for a final time and found that we both had peace over the same decision. It wasn't the popular one, we had been advised against it, but it is the one we felt God in, and that was enough for us. We know not everyone is going to like what we decided and what we are doing, but we are at peace with it. We truly feel that we are walking in God's will with this situation and we are trusting in that, we are trusting in our God.
       I wanted to share this today because I'm pretty sure we all struggle with these kinds of decisions at times, and from this experience I finally learned what to do. I learned that when I stop looking at the circumstances and start looking for God in it, that the answers and path can be discovered. It's when we take our eyes off situation and place them on God that we see the way out. Like a boat lost in a fog at sea, if we look for the light we can find our way to safe harbor. Jesus is our light in the dark, leading us ever closer to Him, but we have to keep focused on Him in every circumstance, we can't be overwhelmed by the fog.  I hope this blessed you today, and encouraged you to look to the light to find your way. Be blessed Today and always in Yeshua's name!

Isaiah 26:3
You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.

John 16:33
I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”

Romans 14:17
For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking but of righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.

2 Thessalonians 3:16
Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times in every way. The Lord be with you all

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