Monday, July 28, 2014

My Little Princess

     Last week I was asked to talk a little about whether or not I have a pet, why, and see if I could find some Bible verses to place with the post. I don't usually write on the weekends so I used that time to look for the verses. I also wanted to use the weekend and put some thought into what I would write and how I would write it. I realized the best thing to do was probably start at the beginning of how we got our pet, which we really consider to be our baby, she is the princess of the house.
      We got Isabelle-Rose Lyndora Thorn at 6 weeks old and at that time she had a bad eye infection. Our neighbors little girl had taken Isabelle from her mother and siblings in the liter that was at the end of our street (Isabelle's parents were both strays), but when her parents said they didn't want to care for a sick cat they made the little girl leave it outside in hopes the cat would just go back to the liter on its own. My husband and I really didn't want another cat at that time because we already had two misbehaving male cats, but Isabelle's sad little mews broke our hearts and we ended up taking her in. I took Isabelle to the vet the next day and got her all her needed shots and medicine for her eye.
      Taking in Isabelle turned out to be an excellent decision and I started to believe that was she actually the answer to prays after seeing how different our males became with the addition of the kitten. My young 'beast' of a male cat was no longer aggressive, but became very motherly to Isabelle and was a great playmate for her! Our other older and more frail male cat tolerated her well and used to make us laugh by placing a paw on top of her head whenever she got to be a little much for him. These changes were great, but the change that Nick and I liked best was our males stopped fighting, previously they brawled all the time but after Isabelle it was a rarity.
       Isabelle-Rose ended up being a blessing to us in another unexpected way about a year later when both of our males passed away, one at Christmas and the other at Easter. The time they spent with Isabelle allowed her to take on some of the personality traits of each (thankfully only the good traits!) which helped us as we grieved the lose of our beloved pets. I really believe that Isabelle was as much a gift from God as any other blessing in life, she brings us so much joy and is so very loving with both of us, but most especially my husband. To us, she is part of the family, not just a pet, she is irreplaceable and we love her so much!

  Proverbs 12:10“Whoever is righteous has regard for the life of his beast, but the mercy of the wicked is cruel.”  

Job 12:7-10 “But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or ask the birds of the air, and they will tell you. Speak to the earth, and it will teach you, or let the fish of the sea tell you. Every one of these knows that the hand of the Lord has done this. The life of every creature and the breath of all people are in God’s hand

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