Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Relax Until the Next Season Comes

    The very last verse of Joshua 21 reads 'Not one of all the Lord’s good promises to Israel failed; every one was fulfilled.' When I read those words this morning I suddenly felt very comforted. I know that He is the same today as He was, the Bible reminds us many times that He is an unchanging God, that the Father is not man that He should lie, but that He works all things together to bring His plans and promises into fulfillment and for the good of those who love Him.
      I need that reminder often when things get cloudy in my mind and don't seem to make sense, I find that this typically happens when I get frustrated by the waiting, or I feel like I have no control in what's happening next. It's hard to let go of everything and walk blindly forward just trusting that it will  all eventually make sense, but that's what we are called to do, we walk by faith not by sight.
      I have seen repeatedly over the last four or five days those words, 'for we walk by faith, not by sight,' and I didn't realize until this morning as I read Joshua why. I feel like God has been trying to reach out to me and get my attention just to say 'Hey, stop stressing yourself out, stop giving control to that fear! I have this, now relax and just be content until the next season comes.' That always seems to be my problem, I struggle with this over and over again. I want to push forward keep going as fast as I can into the next season, challenge or experience in life.  
     Sometimes though, we aren't meant to go into a new season right away, even if we feel like we are ready, sometimes we still have more to learn. I seem to be learning the same lesson over and over, if God fulfilled His promises to Israel, and He is unchanging I have to believe He will fulfill all of His promises in His time, when He knows I am ready and not when I believe it to be so. I don't know what else I have to learn in this season, I can't see what's coming, but my Father knows and right now this is where He wants me.

2 Corinthians 4:18
So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

Hebrews 11:1
Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.

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