Monday, October 20, 2014

Miracle Monday

       These Miracle Monday post are meant to share miracles big and small and to show that God is still working, that God is not dead! Today's miracle I would like to share, and hopefully bless you with is something that my good friend and dear sister in Christ shared with me this morning. I hope this story of enduring through a struggle and the power of prayer, even when it's not in our time, blesses you as it did me. God bless.

        I remember when my pastor was going through a similar situation when I was a member in his  church. His wife basically backslide, she rarely came to church and when she came she would sit in her special seat where everyone could see her and would roll her eyes at the pastor and play with her rings during service.
        The pastor was ill at the time and she was putting pressure on him to sell the church. She and her friends would sabotage the church services, trying to run out the best members so the church would close and she would become a millionaire with the sale of the church. She openly said that it was her goal. She would use their children against the pastor and get them to say mean things to their dad, he would cry in his office.
      But the pastor would separate himself, I worked at the church daycare at that time and that is how I became aware of the situation. The pastor would leave the house and stay in his office all day praying and reading his bible. He would not be at home often because they were putting him down.
He did what he had to do around the house while they there were putting him down, and then he would leave to be at church and spend evenings with us at bible study.
      She was so successful that we were left with only 10 percent of the usual members at the church;
I was so discouraged that I cried and went to him saying 'What are we going to do? It seems like we were about to lose the church.' He said 'we will do what we always did fast and pray.' And that's what we did.
      After about 4 years of her and her friend's attempts at sabotage; she finally gave it up. The Lord was still blessing us through it all. The pastor got healed and the church actually grew. she even became nicer and when she got nicer he started spending more time with her again.
Psalm 107:28-31
28 Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble,
and he brought them out of their distress.
29 He stilled the storm to a whisper;
the waves of the sea were hushed.
30 They were glad when it grew calm,
and he guided them to their desired haven.
31 Let them give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love
and his wonderful deeds for mankind.

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