Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Day of Solitude

     It's Christmas Eve and I have the pleasure of having dinner with my family and exchanging a few gifts tonight after a lovely meal. I love my family very much and am looking forward to it. But I find myself wishing that today wasn't so busy. It's my first day of vacation and my husband will be at work, I really want a day of solitude to shut out the world and work on my book while watching old VHS tapes and drink warm tea.
      It was my original plan for today. A quiet day at home while he's at work then the two of us having a low key dinner maybe some wine, and exchanging the gifts we bought for each other. Just a day of quiet. A day of peace to reflect, relax, and enjoy before the busyness of Christmas Day.
     But it's not to be. We have a last minute family dinner. It's going to be really nice though. I love being with my parents, and after my dad having a heart attack last week I really can't tell the man no. This will be a lot of fun, I can be silly with my little sister, have good conversation. And maybe I can talk my dad into reading the birth of Christ to us like he used to on Christmas Eve when we were kids.
      Better than solitude I get to spend Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with the people I love most in this world. I am blessed to be surrounded by this much love. To have people in my life. I may crave solitude sometimes but I have what truly matters.
     I have a Christmas wish for all who read this. Let love in. Please allow this holiday to enter your heart and change you. Please be happy, and gratefu for what you have, because if you are reading this you have so much more than many.

Luke 2:10
'Behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people'

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