Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Sharing About Heroine

       This morning there was a comment on one of my post asking for prayer about heroine addiction in this person's area and my heart broke for them, I know the destruction heroine causes too well. He told me a story I've heard too often, a young man dead at 25 due to an overdose, a tragedy that I see on my local news channel almost every evening.  But heroine isn't just a distant killer that I see too much of on my TV it has affected my life a great deal in the last ten years. I haven't ever shared on this before, simply because I don't know what to do about it. Usually all I try to share with you encouraging testimonies, or lessons I have learned on my walk to help you, but in this area I have no words of encouragement, I have no solution, I only have my own experience and the prayers I have prayed over and over again.
        My experience with heroine has been this, one of my best friends from childhood started using after high school, it started with pain pills and soon progressed to heroine. For years I have watched, helplessly and sadly as he went in and out of rehab never staying clean for longer than 9 months. But he isn't the only person that I love who is struggling with this demon, currently I have a cousin in jail charged with several felonies because of his need to feed this addiction, and I have two other cousins that are still getting high and using regularly, both have children and daily my heart struggles with how and what I can do to help them. Of course I pray for them, and I share Jesus when the opportunity is there, but as I watch them continue on that path I will admit I feel like I am doing nothing, I feel powerless to help them.
        Today as drove into work thinking about this other person's plea for prayer something really stirred inside me, and I prayed about this issue again but this time I was angry. Not angry at the people using or struggling to quit, and not angry at the person who asked for prayer, I was angry about heroine itself. I was angry for the lives its stolen and the families it's destroyed. I was angry that my cousin's kids are growing up with dad's who are addicted and could die suddenly. I was angry heroine stole my friend, and has my cousin locked up not only in a physical jail cell but one in his heart and mind too. Heroine is a killer, a destroyer, and a home wrecker, it takes people and changes them, and eventually leaves noting left of the person. This morning I was angry as I prayed about what can be done to help fight this scourge and as I prayed the thought came to me to share my feelings on this. Even if I don't know what to do or how to encourage you I can still share. I have a voice and God has given me a platform to be heard from, and it is my responsibility to use this for the good of the kingdom.
       So today I share my heart with you, I share my hurt and anger over what heroine has done in my life and others. I share because it's what I can do. I can't save my cousins or my friend from this drug, but I can let other families that have been hurt by it know they aren't alone. Today I speak out against heroine, and encourage you to too.  I encourage you to share your experience with others, don't remain silent, let people know the real cost of taking this drug and maybe, if enough of us are speaking out and sharing our pain, it'll cause someone else to think twice before trying it, maybe we can save some other families from our pain. Be blessed brothers and sisters and pray for those struggling with addiction and their families as well.

Psalm 39:7   
“And now, O Lord, for what do I wait? My hope is in you.

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