Monday, August 11, 2014

God's Peace in Purpose

      For a long time I lived a life where I thought I was fulfilling God's plan for me and my life, but I realize now that I wasn't. I was doing good in the church, and working at a job that most of the time I enjoyed, but I wasn't fulfilled in what I was doing. I always felt like I was struggling and couldn't find peace or balance in my life. I really believe now that the reason I wasn't fulfilled was that I wasn't living in God's will, I wasn't doing the things in my life that He really wanted me to do, I was doing what was expected of me by those around me and what I thought I had too.
       It wasn't until I started to pray that God's will reign in my life that things started to change. Suddenly I was taken from one job, to another, and now to yet another that I do finally feel fulfilled in. Not only did my jobs change, but my I was led to start writing again, something I had left behind several years ago thinking that my dream of being a writer was too big, and too silly to ever really happen. But God has stirred my heart and kept putting urges in it to write again until I finally broke down and started writing, now I have this blog, one published book, and I'm nearly half way done with the first draft of my first novel.
      I feel fulfilled now, not because I am getting the things I want, but because I am living the purpose God has for me.  Peace reigns in my heart and life because of the Father, I gave Him my life and asked Him to have His way in it, I asked for knowledge and direction to follow the plan He had for me, and check in often with Him on this account. I don't expect things to be easy all the time, it's not like there isn't opposition in this world to our happiness, but I also know that when we stay in God's will and purpose for our lives His peace and blessings will reign, they will see you through anything the enemy throws at you.

Isaiah 32:17
The fruit of righteousness will be peace; the effect of righteousness will be quietness and confidence forever.

Psalm 32:8
God will instruct me and teach me in the way I should go. He will guide me with His eye.

Proverbs 3:5-6
I trust in the Lord with all my heart and lean not on my own understanding. In all my ways I acknowledge Him and He directs my paths.

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