Monday, May 19, 2014

A Tough Walk

     Yesterday my husband and I went on a long hike instead of going to church, its something we do from time to time to reset our minds and to refresh our bodies. But its something else to us too, it is spiritual. For us there is something magnificent and moving about being out in the middle of nowhere together, alone with God. There is something special about being away from the buildings, traffic, responsibilities, distractions and pushing yourself to your physical limits. I find that often during these walks it is a good time to reflect as well as plan ahead for the future. And without fail I find myself in conversation with God.
     Yesterday, in one such conversation, I found myself complaining out loud about the walk. I complained about how long and difficult the walk had been, and how hard it was to climb up a very difficult hill. These things weren't a surprise to me, I knew it was going to be a tough trail, and yet I still complained even saying out loud at one point I didn't know how we'd make it back, but we were going to have too.
     It was shortly after that, that God reprimanded me. He reminded me of Israel in the desert with Moses, and how much they complained, even after he repeatedly supplied for their needs. He pointed out to me that my husband, who was leading the way, was facing the same difficulty I was, but chose to say nothing negative about it. I realized in that moment I was wrong to be acting in the manner that I was. I shouldn't have been complaining about being tired, and feeling exhausted. That was what I signed up for, just like the Israelites knew when they started it would be a long journey to the promise land.
     After I made this realization I shared it with my husband, and I told him I'd stop complaining, then I took everything I was complaining about, and prayed about them instead. I prayed to be renewed and re-energized, and my prayers were met as we continued on and spoke together about our Lord. It was another lesson, and what I learned was that I can depend on God to meet my needs big and small, and I can make the trip better and more bearable by staying positive instead of complaining.

Exodus 16:11-12
11 The Lord said to Moses, 12 “I have heard the grumbling of the Israelites. Tell them, ‘At twilight you will eat meat, and in the morning you will be filled with bread. Then you will know that I am the Lord your God.’ ”

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