Tuesday, May 6, 2014

War of Love

     I've been watching the Bible series on Netflix the last couple of days, and although I really enjoy it I know many were upset by the inaccuracies. And I understand this, sometimes I catch myself getting bothered by it as I watch, but then I allow the feeling to pass and continue watching. My thoughts at the moment are, how often do we all do this? How often do we let inaccuracies, or wrongs bother us but just let it pass? How often do we really listen to the voice in our hearts that shouts this is wrong?
       I'm not really talking about the show when I ask these things, I'm talking about out there, in the world. I know we all have had moments like that, times when we felt something was wrong and we should do something, but we chose to ignore the voice instead. As I am watching the show and seeing these great men of God listening to His guidance, I can't help but wonder, what if they had ignored their calling to action?
      I am thinking, what if that voice, our conscience, had more authority than we give it credit? Could it really be God talking to us? I think so. And I think maybe we need to start giving Him, His authority back. We need to look at the world and let our hearts be outraged for His sake, and we need to let that outrage lead us to action. I am not talking about brute force though, I am talking about love.
      Christians are most dangerous to the world's ways not when we pick up a weapon of man and fight, but when we pick up others in God's love. When we extend help, and charity, and the word of God to those in need, we are a danger to those who want to oppress, and mislead the world about who Christians are and judge us all by how some may have fallen. People want to believe we that we are pushy, arrogant, and hypocrites, but when we allow our outrage to move us in a direction of love rather than wrath we are combating those lies by our actions, and glorifying God.
       I realize I probably sound like a hippie to some people the way I talk about love and peace, but the more I study about the Savior, the Spirit, and God, the more is see the same lesson repeated, God's love, grace, and mercy are what's needed to change the world, and the only things that can change hearts. As you put on the armor of God each day, make sure you are burning brightly with His love, listen to your conscience when it calls to you and obey it in love.

Deuteronomy 6:18
18 Do what is right and good in the Lord’s sight, so that it may go well with you and you may go in and take over the good land the Lord promised on oath to your ancestors, 

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