Thursday, May 22, 2014

Answered Prayer

     I've been praying as usual, asking God for guidance about what to write this morning. And it occurred to me to share a testimony about the power of prayer. I have many incidents I could share of how prayer has helped, encouraged, and led me to answers; I could even share incidents where while praying I was hit with a rush of air and felt the holy spirit wash over me and move inside my heart. But I wanted to share with you an incident that happened during an alter call several years back. I want to share this testimony because it is one where no one could argue that it wasn't a supernatural experience. I know most of my readers are Christians, but I also know some are not. If you are not please read this and consider it, if you have questions please comment or message me I will be happy to answer you.
     Several years ago, after finishing high school I moved out on my own. Things in my parents house were not good. My younger brother and my dad were arguing all the time, and eventually it led to violence, and let me make this perfectly clear, my father was not and never has been abusive. It was actually my brother who started throwing punches and my dad was just defending himself against him. My brother is not a small man, in fact he is quite a bit larger than my dad, and he has always had a violent temper, we often came to blows ourselves and that influenced my decision to move out.
     One night things got really bad. My brother was lashing out against my parents and called my mom a' bitch' in front of my father, then shoved her, knocking my mom to the ground. My dad started screaming and yelling at this point, he was furious and who wouldn't be? Then my brother came after him, screaming back At this point my mom was frightened but she didn't want to call the police and have either of them taken to jail, so she called me to come get my brother and take him to my place. So, that's what I did.
      When I picked up my brother I was angry at him and I wouldn't speak to him in the car, but I knew it was better that he and dad not be together so I did what I was told. The next day was church, I wanted my brother to go with me because we both had friends there and I honestly hoped it might do him some good, but he wanted to sleep in and said he would go with me to youth group instead, this satisfied me so I left for church and let him sleep. I had not talked to anyone about what had happened the night before, and when the Pastor opened the alter for prayer and praise at the end of service I went forward and knelt down at the alter. I sat there face down on the floor weeping and begging silently, in my heart for God to heal my family and restore peace.
     Then a woman I did not know (it was a large congregation and I was still pretty new there) came over and put her hands on me. She prayed over me and spoke in tongues. When she finished she lifted my face to look at her and said to me "Don't worry anymore, God says everything is going to be okay with your dad and brother." I looked at her completely dumbfounded for a moment before I started to weep again, this time with joy. The only way she could have known why I was upset was if God told her, and to this day I am still amazed by this. It wasn't long after this that things did get better too. They still argue, but there isn't violence anymore, and hasn't been except for once more right after this. God answers prayers, and He will always provide comfort for those who seek Him. Bless you my friends.

1 Peter 5:6-7
6 Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. 7 Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.

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