Friday, May 30, 2014

Black Outs

      The world with all its technology is amazing! We can do and see so much, and so fast, but as much as a blessing that technology is, it is also a curse. It can be overwhelming and sometimes addictive to have so much access to the world right at your fingertips, so long as you have internet. Television is also part of that, we can watch other people's lives for entertainment and not have to live our own home. But have you ever gotten exhausted with it all? I do and often.
      I love having the ability to connect with, pray with, and for people all over the world. I love learning about the different cultures of others, because I think its fascinating how different societies can be, and how similar too. But sometimes I get burned out with all the beeping and buzzing of my phone. All the games, social media, alarms, and email alerts eventually drive me crazy and I need a break. I get the need to detox for a while from all of it, that's why if anyone is a regular reader of mine, you might have noticed that I don't usually write on the weekends. I know that they say to be successful as a blogger and to be able to make a decent earning off it you should blog everyday, and be constantly on your social media sites drumming up interest in yourself, but I can't do that.
     I need breaks from it all, I need quiet reflective time with the Father, and with my husband and family too. So, I put limitations on my self, and use of technology, but there are times when even that's not enough to escape the feelings of being bombarded by it all. That's when we have black outs.
      It's something my husband and I started doing when we were dating and living together. If we found that the technology was getting in the way of our being able to connect and talk, or we were just overwhelmed by everything, we would set aside a night and pretend that we had no technology. We turn off our phones, put away the tablet/computer, keep the TV off, and turn out all the lights. We instead, light candles, put on music, talk and play games together. We take away all the distractions and focus on building, and strengthening our relationship.
     This time is really important, but not only for our relationship together, but also our relationship with God. Undistracted time with God allows us to really reflect, listen, and correct. Every relationship needs this kind of time to succeed. I am not always successful at recognizing when I need this time, whether its a black out with my husband or one with God, but when I do take this time I never regret it. There is something refreshing and energizing about stepping away from it all, and focusing on what's REALLY important.

Joshua 1:8
 8 Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.    

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