Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Stay or Walk Away

      Sometimes we all can be overwhelmed by life. Nothing in particular, nothing bad or negative, but just the act of living and caring for others is sometimes overwhelming. It becomes worse when there are people you care for that you don't necessarily feel are giving you the same that you are giving them. But does that mean you stop caring? Should you give up and walk away? Honestly, I think it depends on the situation. We should defiantly prune our lives, take out the things and people who are not good for us, the ones who drag us down, take advantage or hurts us. But there is also a time to make things better. To keep trying even if you aren't seeing the results you want. But how do you tell the difference between a user, and someone who just needs more time and patience to come around?
      Actions, the old saying is actions speak louder than words and life often proves this. When someone is making an honest effort to improve themselves, or the relationship they certainly deserve a chance to do it. But if you're going in circles, things aren't improving, and you're the only one working at it, maybe its time to rethink things. Maybe this friend who is borrowing money, shouldn't be lent anymore until they pay you back. Maybe your sister who is always bumming rides, but never has gas money, despite always having money for what she wants, maybe she needs to learn if she doesn't have the cash for gas, then you can't take her to the mall. The point here isn't to always cut them out right away, but stepping back and letting their actions decide. Putting up boundaries to protect yourself from getting used, and if after that you don't hear from them again or they attack you verbally, or spread rumors, you'll know if this was really someone who cared or someone who needed pruned.
       I've had to learn this lesson the hard way, and I'm still learning it. But, truly, life is better without those people in it, even if it is your family, without the users you will be able to move forward without their extra burdens. But that doesn't mean you have to stop caring about them, it just means you can't be around them as much and you aren't going to give into them anymore.
      Confusing? Not really, what I am getting at is, separate yourself, protect yourself, and pray for them. Prayer is an act of love, when you pray for someone you are loving them, that's why we should pray for our enemies. Love is bigger and more powerful than hate or revenge, whose rewards are earthly and temporary. God will respond to an act of love, like prayer, because God is love and all love comes from God.
       If life is wearing you down, if people are overwhelming you, maybe you need to put up some boundaries with people. Maybe you need to find out who is worth the effort, and who is holding you back, then prune if needs be. Don't be afraid if you need to walk away, trust that God has other plans for you, even if you don't see them now. Accept that some people just are not meant to be part of your life.

Luke 6:27-31
27“But to you who are listening I say: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, 28 bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. 29 If someone slaps you on one cheek, turn to them the other also. If someone takes your coat, do not withhold your shirt from them. 30 Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back. 31Do to others as you would have them do to you.

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