Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Call Me Crazy

     As many of my followers know, I published a book a while back, and I'd like to share with you how blessed I feel about it. I have not, and will not be checking my sales to see the profit until June so I can't share that information with you. But I have seen sales rank moving up on amazon from 750,000-to its current rank of 197,075. This is amazing to me! And I owe it all to God, my family, and of course my readers.
       I wanted to share that because it relates back to my title and what I plan to do with the first month's profits. Call me crazy, but I promised that money to God. Obviously, that kind of jump means my book is selling, and that is wonderful. But I know it is because of God, and not me.  I know this because I made a promise to God the day I submitted the book for publication, that whatever money I made the first month was His, and 10% of the profits from every month after. In the promise I said I would not check to see how much money I was making, but would stand in faith that He was providing me with funds to give to His children. And, I have kept my word and He is honoring my promise by supplying the means to bless others.
     I have always had a heart to give and supply for other's needs, I prayed for a away to do that and was blessed with this opportunity. I don't know where this path will lead me, but I am willing to trust. I know to some people reading this, and undoubtedly people in my own family I have to sound crazy saying that I am going to give away all the money I wake in the first month of sales. I know some of them think I should keep part of it and better my own situation.
      But here is where I stand and why. Even if my book is selling well because of my own talent, it is a God given talent and I want to thank Him for it. That was my first reason for making that promise. The second is, I struggled many years with faith, friendships, relationships, abuse of prescription pain pills, alcohol abuse, depression, anxiety, and financial situations. I am still working in some of these areas to get better, but God has seen me through all of it and been with me.So, I want to honor Him. That was the second reason, the third being my desire to bless others because I have been blessed.
     Those were my reasons for making the promise. And honestly, when I made this promise I expected to make maybe $10. But looking at my sales rank I suspect it may be more, so why not give what I planned originally and keep the rest right? Well, for me the answer is, its not mine to keep. I promised that money to God, and h's children in need. The moment I made that promise it wasn't mine anymore. And if I break my word to Him how can I ever expect to be blessed again? Not that He won't or wouldn't forgive me, but I most certainly wouldn't be deserving. So, call me crazy, but I am keeping my promise. And I thank every one of you who has bought my book, thank you for allowing me to pay it forward, to pass along the blessings and provisions.

A Night at the Old Hotel and Other Short Stories: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JXNCPIU

Psalm 106:1
1 Praise the Lord.a
Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;
his love endures forever.

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