Thursday, March 20, 2014

Speaking out of turn

    Yesterday my mother in law was very hurt by something someone said which was directed at her. This person said they were sick of people being lazy, and that no one wanted to work for anything anymore they just want hand outs. And let me just say I know plenty of people that fall into that category, and I get frustrated and angry with them too, but my mother in law isn't one of those people. She may not 'look sick' on the surface but she has two chronic diseases and struggles with pain on a daily basis.
      This person who spoke critically, and cruelly of her doesn't have a clue what my mother in law endures! I have been upset about this ever since my mother in law talked to me about it. I am trying to be understanding and forgiving of this person, but it's hard when I feel like someone has attacked my loved ones, I am very protective of the people I care for. This person's words were uncalled for, and untrue in reference to my mother in law, she was speaking from a place of ignorance and a lack of understanding, but we are all guilty of this at some point so I'm trying to let go and forgive.
       Honestly though, I want to sit here and rant about how mean this woman was to my mother in law, and how unfair, and how dare she do that, but then I'd be guilty of the same sin, I'd be throwing stones of judgment without being free from sin myself, or having all the facts before speaking out. I know my hands are dirty too, I am by no means perfect. It's okay to be upset and angry about what was said, but it's not okay to return that hurt with wrath, and that's what I am working on today. I am praying for her today, and for my mother in law, and for me as I struggle with anger towards this person and wanting to throw stones.
     Words are very powerful things, and I don't think we really understand just how sharp and hurtful they can be. And not just to the person we are using them against but ourselves too. When we speak out of turn like she did, and like we have all done at some point, we are allowing negativity to creep into our hearts and take root, and when we let it grow by continually talking bad about people we end up pushing people away. No one wants to hear you cutting others down all the time, and it makes them wonder what you are saying about them when their back is turned. Words have power to build or break, choose carefully.

Matthew 12:37
For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned.

Ephesians 4:29        
Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.

Proverbs 12:18    
There is one whose rash words are like sword thrusts, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.

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