Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Below freezing

     Right now I am huddled under a blanket in front of a heating vent waiting on my tea. It's 7 degrees below the freezing point here right now. I am so grateful that I have a warm house right now, so grateful to have hot tea to drink and food in my belly. But I just keep thinking of those without that today. It's so cold and I know there are homeless out there near by, I see them when I go to the grocery store sometimes. I can't imagine being out there. I pray for them today, I hope they are able to find shelter and warmth, I know several are set up in the area.
     I hope that everyone having to be out there from one circumstance or another is able to to get warm and stay warm. The thought of anyone being out in this weather saddens me. It's dangerously cold outside.
     Despite the cold weather I think today is going to be a good day. For the first time in a long while, weeks, I feel up. I feel truly good, and confident. I'm going to hold onto this feeling for as long as I can! And try to figure what I can do to be this way more often. Thank God for the good days, and be with those in need.

2 Peter 3:9 God is not slow respecting his promise, as some people consider slowness, but he is patient with you because he does not desire any to be destroyed but desires all to attain repentance.

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