Monday, January 13, 2014

Happiness is....

     Being happy means different things to different people, we all know this. And for me it means being able to provide a living for me and my family, ideally from home. I know a lot of people feel the same. So what makes me different? Why should this dream come true for me and not others? Because I am determined and motivated to make it happen! Because I believe it can happen for me!
     I don't expect to get rich, but I do expect to succeed at my goals and make a modest income from home. I don't know how it's going to happen yet. I don't know if it will be my stories, my blogs, my boutique, or a combination of all three but I KNOW it will happen. I don't doubt it, I thank God for it now before even receiving it. I believe in this dream, and the responses I have had to my stories and blog post give me hope.
     God provides all our needs, and I believe this also includes happiness. Not the fleeting happiness of something new but the lasting happiness of being satisfied in life.  Until recently I wasn't satisfied with life. I was denying the dream I have and instead just doing what I was supposed to do to pay the bills. But lately, since I started this blog, I have felt a shift in my life. I am working at my dream and it makes me happy. I am believing that I can succeed in my goals, and I am growing to be more confident in myself and most importantly God.
     I wasn't satisfied with my life before I started this. I was grateful for what I had, but didn't see the future allowing for what I really wanted and it made me feel low, unmotivated, depressed, and unsatisfied. Now I am not only grateful for what I have but I am satisfied with what I am doing. I think I am happier now because I am doing what I have always wanted, what feels natural and good to me. I am happier now because I am not begging God to make a way for me, instead I am allowing myself to do what He designed me to do.
        I think I just realized what happiness truly is. It's not getting what we want, or learning to be satisfied with what the world says is enough. It's following God in all we do, giving Him all the glory, and doing what He designed us to do. His path for each of us is different, but when we do what we were meant to do we can lead a happy and satisfying life!

Romans 8:28
And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to His purpose.

Psalms 138:8
The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me; your steadfast love, O Lord, endures forever. Do not forsake the work of your hands.

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