Tuesday, February 18, 2014


     Life can get better or worse, the decision is really yours. I get really sick of hearing people who are truly fortunate complain. I understand life isn't perfect, I understand that sometimes situations are not in our control and it can be frustrating, scary or bad. I know we all have our difficulties, and that sometimes just being happy can be a struggle. But honestly this does not give you right to destroy others' happiness. It does not give you the right to go around everyday with this 'woe is me, pity me' attitude. Just because you have chosen to allow your situation or circumstance to wreck your attitude and perspective on life does not mean you have to spread it around, just like I don't have to listen to it. I am at a point where I realize for my own mental health and happiness I can no longer allow myself to listen.
        So I am no longer allowing it in my life, if you need to vent, fine we all do sometimes, but venting and complaining are different. Venting is 'I've had a bad day and need to get this off my chest,' where as complaining is talking about the same emotions feelings, or thoughts repeatedly without doing anything to change them (example: saying for several hours that you have a headache but not taking medicine, or refusing it when it is offered and continuing to talk about said headache.)
     Part of me just really wonders if the people who act this way would transfer their energy into making themselves feel good how different their attitudes could be, because  if they have this much focus on negativity transferring that energy could turn their situation around! I realize it's not that easy though, it's not just flipping a switch, I've been there, it's a lot of work to get better and it's work to stay better. But it all starts by deciding to do something about the way you feel. It's making little changes and adjustments in thought, behavior, and routine each day. It's making a conscience and concentrated effort to see the good, even when it's easier to look at the bad. Mainly it's learning to be grateful and appreciating what you have, that doesn't mean to stop trying do better financially, physically, or emotionally, it means really looking at what you have and saying 'it could be a lot worse, I'm glad I am where I am.'
     I do not believe we are meant to live negative lives, to be stuck in endless cycles of anxiety and depression. I think sometimes that's why our souls hurt so much when we are in the midst of the negativity, that's why negativity often leads into triggering our anxiety, we want to escape it. We want to flee from it, but we can't because we have allowed it into our world. Instead, it's all about attitude towards the situation. You choose to let it run you down or you can say this awful, but at least it's not this. Once you learn to appreciate what you have life is a lot more enjoyable, not perfect but defiantly better.
     Having been on both sides of this I know how much of a struggle is it, especially at first, and there are days or even weeks where I still fail and have to start all over. But I much rather live a life spreading love, caring, positivity, and kindness, than one of disappointment, selfishness, and negativity. Remember we get back what we put out.

Psalm 106 6-8
We have sinned, even as our ancestors did;
we have done wrong and acted wickedly.
When our ancestors were in Egypt,
they gave no thought to your miracles;
they did not remember your many kindnesses,
and they rebelled by the sea, the Red Sea.
Yet he saved them for his name’s sake,
to make his mighty power known   

James 1:2-3
2 Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3 because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.

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